Cloud Computing Transformation
SDWAN Provider Australia
Modern networks in a cloud centric world
Traditionally, legacy network design has been centered on private data centres that have delivered high-cost, low bandwidth, private network carriage and security services. However, the exponential growth of data has created a bottleneck for data centres that are unable to scale at the speed of business today.
Acknowledging bottlenecks created by legacy systems, cause compelling reasons to move to a cloud-based system. With many cloud applications being internet native (i.e., Office 365, OneDrive), the benefits of legacy private network services are eroded.
Yet the transition process is one that must be approached with caution, as legacy networks and their underpinning security services have become liabilities and choke points for securing a cost-efficient transformation to cloud services.
Decentralised internet services, while a worthy consideration to solve the issue at hand, would increase carriage costs and complicate the network environment and security solutions — resulting in a significant cost increase.
This is not the answer.
A fresh approach is required to transform organisational models into a modern network architecture based on:
- Software Defined Networks (SDWAN)
- Commodity carriage services and
- Cloud-based security
SDWAN Solutions Australia
These considerations will aid your transformation journey from a traditional ‘telco’ mindset, to one that’s network prepared and future-proofed.
SDWAN. Many vendors provide SDWAN solutions, but each offers a significant variation from a cost and service perspective. Are all the ‘bells and whistles’ really required, or can you meet your needs with something more fit for purpose? These considerations are key to creating an optimised SDWAN solution. Some vendors appear cost efficient, until you understand they are priced on throughput and therefore will not scale in a modern network environment.
Commodity Carriage. The completion of the NBN rollout, with NBN services including Enterprise Ethernet has driven down market costs. New vendors have driven down competition, and traditional telco players are reducing the cost to maintain market share. Examples we have witnessed, in locations where there is an abundance of fibre, is a 20x decrease in the cost per Gig, in just 5 years. Consider using a service provider that can sell services from multiple telecommunications providers, the most cost-efficient product on a site-by-site basis.
Similarly, in a modern cloud centric environment where our applications are housed on the internet through VOIP, MS Teams, WebEx Calling, Zoom — do we still need expensive private network links (MPLS)?
Cloud security. There are multiple cloud services that can secure your office to cloud traffic. However, comparing suppliers is complex. Does it work with your SDWAN vendor, how do they scale? Each vendor has differing and complex licence models, connection limits, throughput limitations. Partnering with CDRU will ensure you are setting yourself up for success as you scale and transform.
Managed Network Services. Do your staff have the skills to support a modern network? Have you considered co-management as a hybrid model between insourced and outsourced? According to Gartner research, through 2022 in any given month, over 30% of the growing expenditure on software and cloud services will be unused. Managed Network Services work with you to optimise your spending and achieve true ROI on your infrastructure.
What might a modern network transformation program include?
A Modern Network program must therefore take a holistic view, with the key question being – where are your applications and where will they be in 5 years? Using our process and experience will allow us to guide you through the process.
- Start with a cost baseline of your existing network, carriage, network security and management costs
- Understand your current and planned applications locations
- Document the business drivers, increase service, decrease cost, setup for growth and commercial flexibility
- Detail what currently works and what is broken
- Conduct a business feasibility study to cost the proposed solution. CDRU can provide the optimal costs for your solution utilising our extensive benchmarks, before you approach the market, ensuring your efforts are not wasted
- Identify service providers that are reliable and accountable to SLAs that work on your business’ terms
- Use our extensive knowledge and experience to approach the market in a way that makes technical and commercial sense and setup the transformation program for success
Networking in a cloud world
A national Medical services group was rapidly transforming from legacy application and hosted data centres to a 100% cloud environment. The legacy network, carriage and security environments would not support this change and changing business needs were quickly outpacing the IT services available.
The challenge:
The traditional networking environment was not able to support the rapid adoption of cloud, as well as the increasing availability and security needs of the business.
There was a need to transform the Network Environment rapidly:
- Legacy high cost, low bandwidth, private carriage network services would not support the transition to cloud services
- Existing Network security platforms would not support a distributed and cloud centric environment without significant investment in technology and support requirements
- Managed services environment was not aligned to business needs and did not provide the required flexibility and response
The solution:
Using a combination of proven approaches, CDRU developed the baseline, business and technology requirements and commercial strategy. CDRU took these requirements to market and obtained several market leading solutions and ran the evaluation process.
- A cloud computing transformation plan was built covering elements within each of these areas, including sourcing ongoing services at increased capacity and better value.
- Multiple partners were selected to provide additional expertise & bandwidth through key periods of technical change, staff assessment and skills development and uplifted practices across IT based upon ITIL.
- Financial options were modelled to show the benefits achieved through utilising CDRU’s deep market knowledge.
The outcome:
A modern Network Service that will support the transition to the cloud, which supported the increasingly agile needs of the organisation.
Cost savings from carriage was reinvested into the SDWAN, security components and improved management services to provide a solution that met the business requirements with a higher level of service at a lower overall cost. Achieving key business requirements:
- A cost model better aligned to an OPEX/consumption basis in line with the organisation’s commercial model.
- $2.1M reduction in carriage costs and an overall reduction in telecommunications costs of 28% inclusive of a significant increase in performance and service levels.
- Modernised Network & Security, IT management and security tooling implemented improving efficiencies across the organisation.
- New aligned contracts with IT service providers in support of the partnership model.
For cloud computing digital transformation & SDWAN solutions, get in touch with CDRU today.
CDRU delivers operational cost and value optimisation outcomes, at speed and have influenced over $30 BN total spend since 2017, in 200+ engagements across 90+ enterprise and public sector clients.
For more information on how CDRU can support your immediate and long-term cloud computing transformation goals, get in touch with us today.